

Marketing Tip #7

Given how much time is dedicated to your social media, your social reach is an important metric to take into consideration when measuring ROI. There is a ton of information to weed through when looking through your social insights, so the three main pieces you should look at first are your reach, engagement, and shares.

Depending on how new you are to social media metrics, you may be unfamiliar with these terms. To give you a breakdown, reach is the number of people who saw your post, in addition to how many people liked, shared or commented on it. Engagement is the number of people who interacted with your post, and shares is the number of times the content you created was shared by your audience. Like creating posts about League of Legends for people that likes gaming.

These three insights are important to consider together because they work hand in hand. For example, if we take a look at post engagement, you will notice the more engagement and shares a post has, the more people your post will reach. In contrast, if you notice a decrease in post engagement or shares, that may signal a need to come up with content more suited for your audience.

If you’re having trouble gaining traction with your posts, you should look to hiring an expert to assist you in order to adjust the following factors:


Frequency & Timing of Posts: How often do you post on a daily or weekly basis? What times of day and days of the week do you post?

Post type: Are your posts questions or statements? Are your posts plain text or do you include photos and videos?

Tags: What tags do you use in your content?


Interested in learning more about social media metrics and ROI? Click here.