

VAC Kentucky Derby invitation

BlackOut donated its services to promote a good cause, producing an invitation postcard for the Voluntary Action Center’s Run for the Roses at The Kentucky Derby event.

Run for the Roses will be held Saturday, May 3, at 3 p.m. at the Waverly Country Club, 903 South Abington Road, Clarks Summit, PA. Patrons get to take a chance on a real horse race, while supporting the causes administered by The Voluntary Action Center. The Voluntary Action Center is a non-profit umbrella organization that provides direct and indirect services to community organizations like Big Brothers Big Sisters, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Christmas Holiday Bureau and Free Information and Referral (FIRST – 24 hour Hot Line).

Admission price of $50 includes an authentic Derby Dinner, complete with mint juleps and open bar. Wear your Derby attire. For more information, contact VAC at 347-5616.